Coral reef ecosystems are highly sensitive and very sensitive. Never damaged, take a course, then corrupted their integrity. This is because life on coral reefs in the underlying by interdependent relationships among thousands of creatures. The food chain is one of the forms of relationship. Not only that the creation process was not easy. Coral reefs take millions of years to be created in full and beautiful. And on the waters of Indonesia is currently taking shape since at least 450 million years ago. Benefits of coral reefs in the life of which is the source of fish and other seafood that contains high protein, protect the coast and the population of the blow of the waves and currents. As a source of income for fishermen (fishing) and marine tourism wealth selling high-power (fishing, diving, snorkeling). In addition, as a source of marine resources that can be used as natural medicines and a natural laboratory for education and research.

Mangrove is derived from the Mangue / Mangal (Portugish) and grove (English), a type of forest ecosystem that grows in a tidal area (beaches, lagoons, estuaries) the stagnant tide and free as the tide is low, vegetation community has a tolerance of the salt sea wate. There are some good phases of mangrove planting. First, choose a mangrove nursery, look for healthy seed leaves two to six. Second, the stage of preconditions. With acclimation salinity between 30 and 35 ppm for 7-10 days. At the time of seeding, watering fresh water so low salitinas. Mangroves will be planted with three tinggi.Tahap salitinas, planting the meeting amounted to 550 stems per clump, 50 rods (length) and 11 bars (width) with a depth of 20-25 cm. In four years, the mangrove height to three meters. Mangrove maximum height of 4 meters to 5 meters. Why we can be healthy by planting mangrove? Because, mangrove ecosystems are highly productive ecosystems with very high primary productivity than other ecosystems in the waters. Mangrove forests have important ecological functions, namely as one of absorbing carbon dioxide in the air. Increased carbon dioxide in the air can cause global warming. In the event of global warming by cutting the massive mangrove forest then this will affect coral reefs and seagrass ecosystems. Another benefit of the Mangrove is a distinctive group of plants that can survive in brackish water, a sheltered habitat along the coasts of tropical and sub​​-tropical regions. Mangroves are known as primary producers, shoreline protection, hatchery and habitat for various biota, and its unique biological resources. Mangroves can control erosion and shoreline stabilization.

 It's important for mangrove ecosystem is to be preserved and kept together synergistically, so avoid the damage. From the above explanation we can see that the natural and human impacts will affect these ecosystems. Let, keep the good preservation of mangrove forests. sustainability depends on our awareness of all mangrove. Destruction in the earth both on land and at sea was the work of human actions.


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